Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chapter 5

That night Thowan had a dream. A dream that told him why to trust Matt. He had a dream of his last life. Matt had told him he will help any animal in need. Thowan blessed him with the ability to understand animals. Then Thowan left Josey.

In the morning. Thowan let out a loud whimper to get Corden or Breeze's attention. Corden woke up. She came over to Thowan and said, "What is it dear Thowan"
He tried talking to her mind again, "We have to go to the town of Josey"


"Because there in the town is a human that can help me out of this"

"But how are you going to get there its 10 miles away"

"One of you will have to carry me there"

"Well I guess we could get there in the next three days"

"Three days! How do you know if I'll make it there or not!"

"Well I guess we better get a move on"

Corden went and woke up Breeze. After that Breeze helped Thowan onto Corden's back. Then they left to the town of Josey where Matt Clash was.

Chapter 4

One night Thowan had a dream of a white wolf with black ears and paws. He couldn't tell if it was evil or good. He did get on thing across it was a she wolf named . . . Breeze. Then his dream changed. I was a dream of him being carried. Except it wasn't of his past it looked like. He was being carried with his muzzle tied shut and his front legs tied to front and the same for the back legs.

There was a shape behind the shape carrying him. It was a white cream color. Off in the distance the gray wolf sleeping. Then it woke with a start, and ran in the same direction as the shape. Then he woke up from the dream.

A couple of days pasted with Thowan keeping the secret in his heart. One night he didn't dream at all it was like somthing was keeping him awake. He decided to wake up and get a drink from the nearby stream. He yawned except. His mouth wouldn't open and it hurt extremely bad. He opened an eye. He was moving but he wasn't moving any body parts.
He realized his dream had come true. His muzzle was wrapped in rope and so tight it was making him bleed. He squirmed but his feet were tied together as well. The figure was a human but it looked like it had the features of a wolf.

Thowan really wished that Corden was here. Then he had an idea. The man had said he had powers so what if he tried contacing her. "Corden help me. A human has me and we're heading west" he thought.

Time passed and Corden was behind them. After awhile Corden seemed ready. She let out a growl. The human turned around. He set me down and CHANGED into a wolf. He charged Corden and ran her off. Then he changed again and ran with me. Corden followed.
"What if I can't help Thowan? I'm supposed to protect him" He heard Corden's thoughts right back!

He thought of the wolf from his dreams. He took a chance and called her to. After awhile she showed up too. Corden went to defend me and they fell behind. Thowan was worried after awhile. Then he saw them again.

They both attacked. The human dropped Thowan on his head and changed again and there was a fight. Eventully the human/wolf ran off. Corden came over and licked his muzzle. Then she tried to bite through the rope but only nipped Thowan's muzzle whitch he gave a mughled yelp. Eventully they all fell asleep and that night Thowan had a dream of a boy. A boy named Matt that lived in Josey. The boy was good and Thowan trusted him and Thowan sensed if he wanted loose they had to go to Matt.

Chapter 3

The two wolves entered a clearing were the rest of the pack was. Everyone was silent. Then they explained and all the other wolves weren't as tense. Instead they were awestruck. That night was the best night in the history of the pack. Days pasted and Corden took care of Thowan. Although he didn't grow. Every night Thowan would have a dream. The dreams were about his memories. one night after he heard Corden talking to another wolf about him not growing up he had a way different dream.

He dreamt of the man again. He asked, "Why am I not growing" "Because your destiny is tied to it" Then the dream dissolved and he went back to remembering his memories

Chapter 2

"But how could it be" asked Corden "What" "How could it be that you appear out of no wear and have the same name as my dead mate" "Wait a man told me about something like this" "What tell me"

"Ok, I woke up in this white place and there was a man. He told me stuff. He said, "You are destined for greatness. This is your third life Thowan. In time you will get your memories of you past life’s" I asked, "Wear is this" "This is the world in between life and death/birth. When a being enters this world they lose there memories but know how to function right" "So what's going to happen to me" "You died but for another. That's what you've done in your past lives and don't forget it. After this I will send you down and you will meet your old mate. She will care for you in tell the end of winter. By then you should be full grown"

I asked, "But doesn't it take 2-3 years to be full grown" "Yes but you have lived before and you will grow faster"" Corden asked, "So I'm supposed to be like a mother to you" "Yes, he also said I have powers beyond my imagination" "Yes you do" "So what now" "Well I think we should go back to the pack and tell them the great news" "Ok"

After that the she wolf and wolf cub that has his past life’s watching over him walked through the forest back to the pack.

Chapter 1

Corden sat on a ridge looking over the forest. She was sad. Thowan had died for her. He had said, "In the future I shall be different, but in a way still the same. We shall met again" What had it meant? Then all of a sudden there was a blue light. Corden stared and when it was over she ran toward the spot.

Corden reached a clearing. There in the middle of the clearing was a white wolf cub. Corden walked up to it.

"What are you doing here little cub"

"I don't know"

"Well what's your name"



Thowan follows Corden's sent threw the forest. Thowan got to a river. So Garth had finally figured out how to truly kill Thowan. Death by water. Thowan sees Corden in a net over a cliff. Thowan starts to run over. All of a sudden he feels a sharp pain in his side. He staggers and looks at his side. There in his side was a bullet. He staggered again. He was near the edge. He ran on. There was Garth.

"Garth this is the final straw"

"And this is your death"

"You wish"
Then there was a clash of teeth. They fought for what felt like ages. Then it happened. Thowan's alpha spirit rose. He jumped at Garth and sunk his teeth in his throat. Thowan let go and blood was every were. Then all of a sudden the net dropped. Thowan ran to the rivers edge and the net hit. Thowan looked in horror. DEATH BY WATER. Thowan jumped in and grabbed the net. He got to the surface. He swam to the edge and drug the net on. Thowan ripped the knot at the top of the net to shreds and looked at Corden. Corden was of no breath.
Thowan knew something would happen like this. He remembered one of the visions he got after he became a spirit. Thowan touched Corden and let her have his life's energy. Corden woke up. Corden was still dreary. Thowan lay down.

"In the future I shall be different, but in a way still the same. We shall . . . met again. Thowan lay down in the mud and . . . . .