Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chapter 14

Thowan woke up to the dim light coming through the plastic ceiling parts of the van. The other animals looked miserable. There was a fox, ground hogs, birds, mountain lion, and a bear cub. All the noise hurt Thowan's ears. The door to the van opened blinding all of the animals.

"Time for food" said Rick

"Why bother saying that it's reticules" said Nass

"Well then they might understand not to attack us while we feed them"

"Ah very well but we have to get a move on. We need to deliver all these animals today!"

"Stop being snappy besides they always forgive us if we're late. They know how hard it is to catch animals these days"

"What ever" Then Rick feed all of the animals except when he got to me he tied my muzzle shut and cleaned me off real quick. Then he untied my muzzle and gave me my food.

"Wait" said Thowan through his brain Rick looked around but shrugged it off. "Humans" thought Thowan, "have to big of brains for there own good" Then the van started. All the animals freaked out at first then they settled down. Thowan could hear something in the background of the van. It was a wolf howl. It was Corden.

"Where are you Thowan"

"I'm here Corden. Follow the noise of the van" Corden and Breeze would come save Thowan. Yes they would.

Chapter 13

Thowan opened his mouth in a yawn. Then he thought. The bandages fell off! He tried to bite through the edge of the sack. It was very tough and not yielding. He let out a growl of frustration.

"Looks like are friend is awake" said a booming voice

"Yes it does" said a shrill voice "Well lets take a look at him"

The bags neck opened and the bag was turned over. Thowan fell onto something hard and cold. Thowan shook and took in the surroundings. He was in a little cage. There was a fatish man and a skinny man. They were in a clearing with a van. There was a nice warm fire.

The fat man said, "Well look his muzzle is all cut up" This is who the booming voice belonged to.

"And his paws" said the shrill skinny man. Thowan growled.

"I bet your hungry" The skinny man brought out some meat and slid it in between the bars. "I've never seen anything like it Rick" said the skinny man.

"Me neither. A wolf cub at this time of year. Its almost fall" said Rick "It's a good thing we got something like this Nass"

"What's all over his body" asked Nass

"Some sort of paste. I heard people around here make sacrifices. Maybe they sacrificed him and he lived"

"Well anyway we'll need to clean him up before we try to sell him. Put him in the truck"

"OK" Rick the fatty grabbed Thowan's cage. He walked over to the van and open the back. He set him down on another cage. Before Thowan's eyes could adjust the back was closed and it was pitch dark. Even too dark for a wolf.

Chapter 12

Thowan had to do something but there was nothing he could do. Peter possessed by Garth ran on. They got to a river. Peter walked to the middle of the bridge. Peter held the struggling bag over the edge. His fingers slowly uncurled. He let go. The bag dropped.

It hit the water. It sank a good twelve feet under water. The bag quickly filled up. Thowan was panicking. The water soon engulfed him. Bandages swelled and fell off. Thowan paddled with all his might to get the bag up. He had no idea if he was going up or down. He started to need air. His vision blurred. He pasted out.

He woke up. He was still in the bag but on land. Thowan heard a voice.

"I can't believe we found a wolf inside a sack with no mom still alive in the river"

"You need shorter sentences"

"I wonder how much we can get for him" Thowan had been caught by poachers!

Chapter 11

Garth walked into the room in the form of Peter. Thowan was fast asleep due to the pill. Garth snickered.

"This at to be easy" said Peter with the sound of Garth behind it. Peter was seeing the same think a Garth. He had no control over his body. He tried to gain control but the spirit was too strong. "It shall all be over soon. You had others to save each time you died. Now you are just going to die" Thowan tossed a little in his sleep but otherwise didn't move. Peter bent over. He moved his hands toward Thowan. He unraveled the bandages around his mouth. Then he rapped it up again but so much tighter then it should have been to heal.

"There now there is no calling for help" Then Peter grabbed more bandages. He walked over to Thowan. He rapped his legs together cruel tight. Thowan moved but didn't wake up. Peter's actions were slow like he was not used to his body but Garth was a wolf not a human. Then Peter picked Thowan up. He went out the window and too his house. His parents were gone. He walked to his bedroom. He set Thowan down. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed some ingredients. He started to make something.

It turned out to be a paste when he was done. He walked back into the room with the paste and a knife. Peter shivered on the inside. He knew what Garth was going to do. He smeared Thowan with the paste. It was to keep him from talking with his brain. Peter started to make an alter. The sun rose and Thowan woke up. He was wet. He couldn't move. He flexed his muscles. Peter walked back in. He had some rope. He tied Thowan to a piece of board.

He set the lit candles around Thowan. Thowan couldn't breath. Peter rose the knife above his head. Thowan closed his eyes. There was a thud. Thowan opened his eyes. The knife had been thrown into the wall. Peter was gasping. He had struggled for control.

"Fine" said Garth through Peter's voice, "We can't kill him this way" Garth looked through Peter's mind. He found what he was looking for. He left and came back with a potato sack. He untied Thowan from the board. He shoved him in the bag. Then he took the rope and tied the end shut. Then he left with Thowan in the bag. Garth was planning on drowning Thowan for he remembered that is the only other way to truly kill Thowan.

Chapter 10

Matt's daily routine was to wake up. Get dressed check on Thowan. Feed/water him and in the last piece he would put one pain reliever. Then he would go to school. At lunch he would come back and feed/water Thowan again. After school he would take the bandage's off till bedtime. Then he would feed Thowan again. In the last two pieces he would have pain reliever and sleep medicine. Every night Thowan would have a dream about his past or Garth would intervene. Thowan was suspicious of Garth but part of him wanted to believe him. Thowan's wounds got better. Then one Friday someone came over.

"Thanks" said Matt

"No problem" said the other boy.

"Thowan this is Peter. He's going to take care of you while I'm gone this weekend with my mom"

Then Matt explained how to take care of him while he was gone. Then he gave him a key. Then Matt left with his mom. Little did anyone know that there was another force at work. That night a force took over Peter. No one say the hatred in his eye's. Then he acted normal again. That night after Thowan was asleep. Peter walked in. Except he wasn't all Peter. Garth had taken him over.

Chapter 9

It was white, but it was not cold. It felt like there was nothing there. Thowan was there and so was something else. There was a flash and there stood a black wolf.

"Hello brother" said the black wolf.

"Brother?" asked Thowan.

"Ah you don't recognize you older brother Garth"

"No I don't" but there was a shiver running down Thowan's back.

"That's to bad, but I bet your getting an inpression. I am evil. So are you"

"What? That can't be"

"That's right after the first time you died you got confused. You choose good over me. We were both evil brothers until your last life were you killed me!" Thowan started to back away.

"Oh don't worry I won't hurt you. Your my brother. You got confused and killed me by accident. The blood lust was on me also and I got you back before I died"

"N-no it can't be. I can't be evil. I've been traveling with great friends and there good"

"That's because there doing there best to turn you good" This did make some sense to Thowan. "Remember the Man that was a wolf that stole you in the night. I sent him to get you away from them. I didn't mean for him to tie it so tight" Thowan thought about it. Had it all been a lie?

"I can see this trouble's you. Go back to your body and think about it" There was a flash and Thowan was back in Matt's bedroom. He had had a dream. But it was a controlled dream that time. Thowan put his head down. He was so confussed he didn't know what to do. Thowan looked at Matt on his bed. Thowan got up. Thowan ran a little and jumped on the bed. Then he curled up and slept near Matt for comfort from the weird dream.

Chapter 8

After Matt was done he got out his tool box. He took out some bandages, the water, the meat, and some medicine. He walked back over to Thowan who was resting on the ground. Breeze and Corden had come out when Thowan yelped but there was no trouble. Matt knelled next to Thowan.

Matt said, "Now you need to eat and drink these slowly you are very dehydrated" Matt gave Thowan the water first. Then he gave him the meat in bite size pieces. Then in the last piece he put one pill to ease Thowan's pain. Now he needed to get Thowan bandaged up. There was one problem though. To help his mouth heal he would have to rap the bandage all the way around his muzzle making it so he couldn't eat, drink, or talk. Matt had an idea.

"I need to take Thowan with me so he can heal faster is that ok?"

Corden hesitated. "Yes you can take him with you"

"Ok but don't be offended. The reason that I have to take him with me is because I have to rap the bandage all around his muzzle. If I do that he can't eat, drink, or talk. I'm the only one who can take it off and put it back on" Corden growled a little. Then she thought it through and let him. Matt bandaged each foot individually. Then he rapped Thowan's muzzle up. The bandage blended in great to Thowan's fur. Then with Thowan under one arm he rode down the mountain. When Matt got home he had to be careful. According to his watch he was late and his mom was already home.

He opened the front door slowly. He pasted the living room and went to his room. He set Thowan down. The wolf cub was not liking the idea of the bandage around his muzzle very much but his muzzle did feel better.

Chapter 7

Matt's teacher had rolled her eye's at the sound of the wolf call. Matt had to be able to get out. He already had a streak for leaving class because an animal needed help. He raised his hand.

"What do you need Mr. Clash" said the red head green eyed teacher.

"Well you know I have to go do my thing" said Matt with brown hair and amber eyes. The eyes of a wolf.

"This is the sixth time this week. I'd have to say no"

"Fine I'll leave anyway there is a wolf of wolves in trouble out there and what if it's Thowan? He might be back and need help"

"He's a spirit"

"I know that, but he can still die in his physical form. Even The Trio of Pain met him and now there one of my best bodies because they believe me" The Trio of pain was three boys(Charly Wilkons(leader of group black hair purple eyes), Peter Mike(red hair brown eyes), and Will Rilley(Brown hair Hazel eyes) they used to pick on Matt but now they don't since they met Thowan.

"I don't care if he dies he already died" said the teacher.

"Let me leave I'm leaving no matter what" argued Matt.

"Fine I'm calling your Mom"

"Go ahead you are a heartless witch" The in tire class gasped at that even if it was half true.

"How dare you sit down you are know seventeen years old and you know better" There was no escape. There was only one possible escape. Matt ran toward the open window. "What are you doing" asked the teacher "That window is two stories high"

"Well you don't care" said Matt as he jumped out the window. Matt hit the ground with a thud and rolled. He had sprained his ankle but otherwise he was alright. He started to run. He had to get to the mountain and fast. There was another howl.

"Hurry human, Thowan is going to die" Matt was two blocks away from his house. He ran harder. He got to his house. He went to his bedroom and got out his toolbox. He shoved meat, water, and bandages inside for the toolbox. He went to the garage and strapped it to his bike. He opened the garage door and rode off. In half of an hour he was nearing the top.

He reached the top. There at the very top was a small cave. He went to the cave. In there were three wolves and the third was a cub.

"Which of you is Thowan" for he couldn't really see.

"I am said a voice but no mouth's moved"


"I am speaking to you with my brain. You may not recognize me for I have had a tough journey. I am the small one" Matt was confused but he picked up the little wolf anyway. Then he realised the wolf was tied up from head to paw.

"Oh my god how did this happen"

"I'll explain late" Matt tried to undo the knots but couldn't. He grabbed his pocketknife out of his back pocket.

"Now don't move Thowan" Thowan held still. Matt only cut a little bit of rope and stopped. Then he gripped a little and tried to stretch it out a little so when he cut it it would not cut Thowan. He cut the last bit and unraveled the rope. It was looped on a good fifteen times. They really didn't want Thowan talking. As he unraveled it Thowan yelped. The rope had cut deep into his skin. He did the same procedure with Thowan's legs.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chapter 6

That night Thowan had a dream. A dream that told him why to trust Matt. He had a dream of his last life. Matt had told him he will help any animal in need. Thowan blessed him with the ability to understand animals. Then Thowan left Josey.

In the morning. Thowan let out a loud whimper to get Corden or Breeze's attention. Corden woke up.

She came over to Thowan and said, "What is it dear Thowan"

He tried talking to her mind again, "We have to go to the town of Josey"

"Why?" "Because there in the town is a human that can help me out of this"

"But how are you going to get there its 10 miles away"

"One of you will have to carry me there"

"Well I guess we could get there in the next three days"

"Three days! How do you know if I'll make it there or not!"

"Well I guess we better get a move on" Corden went and woke up Breeze. After that Breeze helped Thowan onto Corden's back. Then they left to the town of Josey where Matt Clash was.