Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chapter 6

That night Thowan had a dream. A dream that told him why to trust Matt. He had a dream of his last life. Matt had told him he will help any animal in need. Thowan blessed him with the ability to understand animals. Then Thowan left Josey.

In the morning. Thowan let out a loud whimper to get Corden or Breeze's attention. Corden woke up.

She came over to Thowan and said, "What is it dear Thowan"

He tried talking to her mind again, "We have to go to the town of Josey"

"Why?" "Because there in the town is a human that can help me out of this"

"But how are you going to get there its 10 miles away"

"One of you will have to carry me there"

"Well I guess we could get there in the next three days"

"Three days! How do you know if I'll make it there or not!"

"Well I guess we better get a move on" Corden went and woke up Breeze. After that Breeze helped Thowan onto Corden's back. Then they left to the town of Josey where Matt Clash was.

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